Thursday, March 24, 2011

Conference Schedule


8:30am-9:20am: Welcome & registration. Come to room 400B for some coffee and bagels!

9:30am-10:20am: Session 1
TUC 403:
“Black Stereotypes and Resisting White Hegemony in Good Times” Wonda Baugh
“The Power in the Silence: The Lack of Soundtrack in Queer as Folk as a Means to Convey Social
and Political Activism” Elisabeth Woronzoff
TUC 417A:
“Postfeminist Math Barbie: Danica McKellar’s Provocative Education Advocacy”
Sarah Mitchell
30 Rock and Feminism in Flux” Lee Serbin
TUC 417B:
“Making It or Breaking Down: Eating Disorders and Body Image in a Teen Gymnastics
Drama” Rachel Nickens
“Queering the Aesthetics of Sex/uality and Body in Queer-Feminist Erotica” B. Carbonara
TUC 417C:
True love and happiness: Sexuality and romance on The Bachelorette” Krysten Stein
& Nancy Jennings
“Queer Sex in a Straight City: Gender, Bisexuality, and Heteronormativity in Sex and the City”
Jayme Hughes

10:30am-11:20am: Session 2
TUC 403:
“‘Now You Can Run and Tell Dat’: Antoine Dodson and Creating Visibility around New
Masculinity in the Black Community” Brandon Manning
“Outsider Within: Homosexuality and the Black Church” India Pierce
TUC 417A:
“Freak of Culture: A Feminist Analysis of Lady Gaga’s Postmodern Disability Drag”
Krystal Cleary
“Using Foucault to Deconstruct Ableism in Film” Mark O’Hara
TUC 417B:
Subversive Sexualities in Fandom: Dialogue Between Fan and Text” Natalie Kirk
“Women Creating Desire for Themselves: Slash Fanfiction, Boys’ Love Manga, and Expanding
the Possibilities of Pornography” Caroline Hyatt
TUC 417C:
Workshop: “Hot Hoops: from ‘String Cheese’ to Wii Fit” Katie Dreyer

11:30am-12:20pm: Keynote speech in room 400B
Andi Zeisler is the co-founder and editorial/creative director of Bitch: Feminist Response to Pop

12:30pm-1:20pm: Lunch on your own. Please see “Welcome” section of your conference
packet for a list of conveniently located eateries!

1:30pm-2:20pm: Session 3
TUC 417A:
“Disco Stick: Lady Gaga and the Phallus” Anna Huelefeld
“No Homo: An Analysis of the Anti-Queer Bias in Pop Music” Christopher Campbell
TUC 417B:
“Queering Primetime: Portrayals of Gay Men and Lesbians in Popular Network
Television” John Freml
“All Is Not Glee-ful: How Glee’s Representation of Marginalized Groups Has Informed the Public
Imagination and Perpetuated Harmful Stereotypes” Katie Lambing and Rachel Berman
TUC 417C:
 “Consuming Buffy: Embracing the Darkness and Female Empowerment in the Buffyverse” Jamie

2:30pm-3:20pm: Session 4
TUC 403:
 “Batman and the Cultural Construction of Masculinity Ideals” Ryan Back
“Skinny Jeans, Studded Belts, and Long Bangs: Alternatives to Hegemonic Masculinities Or Just
The Same Song to a New Tune?” Rachel Deel
TUC 417A:
 “‘I Just Can’t Be With You Like This’: Lady Gaga’s ‘Alejandro,’ Queer Futurity, and the Horizons of the Lifeworld” Brock Webb
“The Gaga Manifesto: Gender, Sexuality and Cyborg Mythmaking” Christina Black
TUC 417B:
“Are We Still Down?: Femininity and Womanhood Explored through the Lyrics of
Tupac Shakur” Donnae Wahl
“‘All of the Men Are Dead’: Performative Gender and the Gaze in Y: The Last Man and Ōoku:
The Inner Chambers” SF McGinley
TUC 417C:
Video: The Image of Women in Film Noir (2002), 22 min.  Followed by presentation, “The Picture Gets the Final Word: Conflicting Narratives of Image, Word, and Philosophy in the Depictions of Women in Film Noir “ H. Michael Sanders and Matt Bennett

3:30pm-4:20pm: Session 5
TUC 403:
“Disney Live-Action Films as Cheesy Clichés of Consumerism” Dr. Eric Jenkins
“An Intersectional Analysis of Dora the Explorer” Sierra Moore
TUC 417A:
“Guns: Problem in Society or Society as the Problem?” Tyler DeLaet
“Bill’s Boogeymen: A look at media theory and ideology in The O’Reilly Factor” Stephanie Talbot
TUC 417B:
Race Illusionists: Pop Culture Minstrels of the Modern Day” Key Beck
"Lost in Otherness: Toward a Feminist Viewership Practice" Angela Zippin
TUC 417C:
Workshop: “Student Development as Feminist Activists” Kim Fulbright and student activists

4:30pm-???: Please join your conference organizers for a networking and socializing happy
hour at UC’s Catskeller Campus Pub!